Saturday, August 22, 2009

Welcome to IB Biology!

Greeting to Class II discipuli and their parents, guardians, siblings, family pets, and all others who are joining us for the inaugural voyage of IB Biology!

The International Baccalaureate and the Brooklyn Latin School are proud to offer an intense two-year course in Biology, the scientific study of life.  Throughout our journey together, this blog will serve as a home base and study resource for discipuli and their families alike.  As we progress, I will be updating the blog with course information, upcoming deadlines and test dates, study material, helpful animations and videos, and just plain ol' fascinating biology stuff for the curious.  Discipuli, I recommend you bookmark this page and check it regularly.

To parents: I'm often asked how you can help your child succeed in my class.  Maybe some of you are expert NASA trained scientists, and maybe some haven't looked at science since you accidently blew up the chemistry lab in high school.  Both are great, as is everything in between.  Regardless of your background, the best way you can help your child (and me!) is to talk to them regularly about what they're learning in biology.  The more they talk and think about this stuff outside of class, the better it sticks.  And let's face it, biology is fascinating!  You're invited to check the blog regularly if you want to find out more about what we're learning, or if you want to check up on upcoming tests, quizzes, and other assignments.

I'm looking forward to working with everyone over the next two years.

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