Monday, November 16, 2009

Potato Chip = Energy

Today, we examined the burning of a potato chip as an example of the transformation of energy that occurs.  Cell respiration, the metabolic reaction that creates energy from food in our cells, is a variation on that same reaction.  The only difference with cell respiration is that in our body, we "burn slow" - meaning we use enzymes to carefully control the reaction so that we can capture the energy in a useable form.  That form, of course, is our good old friend ATP.

For homework, you will use the following web resources to investigate how the cell manages energy.  After viewing and reading all the resources, please answer the questions that follow in your class journal and be ready to discuss your findings tomorrow.

ATP and Energy Storage
Cell Respiration Video


  1. Draw the generalized structure of an ATP molecule.
  2. Explain how ATP is like a "rechargeable battery" for the cell.
  3. What type of energy is ATP?  (Potential, kinetic, chemical, thermal, nuclear, gravitational, etc).  Explain your answer.
  4. Write the equation for cell respiration.
  5. Pause the cell respiration video and draw the chemical structure of glucose.  
  6. Where does the CO2 released by cell respiration come from?
  7. Where does the H2O released by cell respiration come from?
  8. The second video says that energy stored in glucose is like "money in the bank" but energy in ATP is "money in your pocket."  Explain what this means.

1 comment:

  1. hey mr.hill this the website i was telling you about:
    best, gen
