Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Negative Feedback Loops

Today, we finished discussing the circulatory system and started our last topic for this unit, homeostasis.  We discussed a specific example of a negative feedback loop that maintains a constant temperature in your body.

For homework, you will read about the negative feedback loop that maintains a constant blood glucose level in your body.  Please read p.768 in your text and answer the questions that follow in your journal:

1) What is glucose and why is it in your blood?

2) Insulin and glucagon are hormones.  Flip to page 758 and read the section "Hormones are Chemical Signals."  Referring to figure 42.2, explain what a hormone is and how it works.

3) Copy the diagram of the feedback loop on p.768 into your notes.  Using the terminology we discussed in class, label the SENSOR and EFFECTORS.

4) What does it mean that insulin and glucagon are antagonistic hormones?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blood Vessels of the Circulatory System

Today, we looked at an overview of the circulatory system.  Tomorrow, we will be comparing the three types of blood vessels - arteries, veins, and capillaries.

For homework, please research  these blood vessels and complete three structure / function charts - one for arteries, one for veins, and one for capillaries.  You may do this in your notebook, and we will discuss it first thing tomorrow - make sure you come to class ready!

You may uses the text reading handed out in class, and in addition the following web resources are available.  Do consult all of them for maximum comprehensiveness.

Merk Manual - Veins
The Human Heart at the Franklin Institute

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lab #3 Due Tomorrow

Hi all,

Make sure to complete Lab #3, a Design and Data Collection section, for tomorrow.  E-mail me a single word document by tomorrow or bring a paper copy to class.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Missing DBQs

The following discipuli owe me take-home DBQs from Friday.  Hand in tomorrow, or it's a zero!


The Ventilation System

Hi all, today we learned how to draw, label and annotate a diagram of the ventilation system of humans.  You should be able to include the following structures in your drawing - trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lung tissue, diaphragm, and finally, starting tomorrow, the alveoli.

For homework, google "alveoli" or look them up on p.676 in your textbook.  Draw the alveoli as a nested picture in your drawing of the ventilation system that you completed in class today.  Also, write three structural features you notice about the alveoli.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Hi all,

Really good work today on the DBQ.  Especially R6.  Everyone really brought their A-game to class today.

Many of you expressed worry along the lines of "my gosh - on an exam I would not be able to spend 40 minutes talking to my peers about the experiment before I answer the questions!"  That is true.  However, rest assured that the more of these you do, the better you will get at them and the more natural it will feel.  We're all on the right track to success.

Do complete the DBQ questions for homework.  Pay attention to the point values and provide sufficient depth.

Your lab due date has been moved to next Thursday.

Next week I will be holding special office hours Monday and Wednesday to look at drafts and help you in writing your lab.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

DBQ Tomorrow

Hi all,

Tomorrow, we're going to have another DBQ.  Remember the DBQ strategies we discussed:

  1. Describe every part of the graph!  
  2. Use a table of comparison to compare two different data series on a graph.
  3. Use unpacking when you see the command term EXPLAIN to make sure you provide sufficient molecular / cellular detail about what is causing the observed changes.
  4. Use a ruler to read the graph.
The DBQ will give you an experiment based on cell respiration, lipids, and carbohydrates.  You will want to review this information for tomorrow, because the more you know the better prepared you will be to understand the experiment!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lab 3 (Yeast Lab) Data

Hi all, below please find your raw data from the probes.  Right click on your link and select "save as" to download the file.

Happy graphing!

Jafar and Ryan
Anabel Lillian and Javier
Mridul Tyson and Billy
Amir Pedro and Brian

Spencer, Zehra, and Kai Ni and Victoria and Megan, I am having some difficulty uploading your files - I will e-mail them to you at 2:30 today.

Mr. Hill