Monday, January 4, 2010

A Closer Look at Blood

Hi all,

Tomorrow we will be taking a closer look at the composition of our blood.  Blood is both a nutrient rich medium for bacteria and parasites to nourish themselves in and a route around the body for these little invaders.  Accordingly, blood is the place where your body has concentrated its defenses.  In the war between your body and its pathogens, the rivers of your veins and arteries are the battleground and your blood cells are the soldiers and citizens caught in the balance.  So its important to understand its parts!

Please read textbook pages 626-8 in your text and use the information within to answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. Create flash cards using our new system for words 2-6, all of which describe components of the blood.  The vocab words can be found on the right side of the blog, under "Vocabulary Heads-up."  Bring these with you tomorrow!

2. Referencing the components above, describe some of the transport functions of the blood.  How does your blood serve as a transport medium, what components are involved, and what is transported?

3. Now describe some of the immune functions of your blood.  What role does your blood play in defending your body from pathogens, what components are involved, and how?

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