Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our cells "inner skin"

Today, we learned about the endomembrane system, a network of "inner skins" that organize the cell and manage the production and secretion of sensitive chemical substances such as hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, and other proteins.

For review, here is the helpful animation I showed in class: Tutorial of the Endomembrane System.

[UPDATE 10/1: I have added the Lecture notes.  They can be found here: Endomembrane System Lecture]

Continue to work on your assessment statements, particularly 2.4.7, which is largely based on today's lecture.  You may refer to textbook pages 70-73 for more information.

All pictures are from real electron microscopy of cells (mostly liver cells).  It might be advantageous to follow the lead set by James in R4 by printing the micrographs and pasting them directly into your notebook.  In your class journal, identify the structures and state evidence for why you think it is that structure.  In other words, be thoughtful: how do you know?

1. What structure is shown below?  How do you know?

2. What structure is shown below?  How do you know?

3.  Five structures are labeled in the diagram below.  Identify them and state evidence. [9/24: Note - I updated this with the labeled micrograph in order to alleviate some of the confusion we had in class in annotating the diagram.  The questionable organelle IV was in fact the rER.]

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