Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Anaerobic and Aerobic Cell Respiration

Today, we debriefed cell respiration a little and then learned how cell respiration can be used to explain two phenomena that occur when we are very active: heat and soreness.  In lecture, we revealed two new facets of cell respiration:

  1. The energy transfer is inefficient (about 60% efficient, to be precise)
  2. Respiration can be aerobic (using oxygen at a higher energy yield) or anaerobic (no oxygen, lower energy yield).
(R6 - we're going to do #2 tomorrow, no worries)

Homework - do on a separate sheet of paper, to be collected
R4 - Respond to the following prompt on a separate sheet of paper, and treat it like a short answer.  This means you should unpack it, and then repack in written form, to get a lot of detail!

Prompt: Explain why anaerobic respiration yields less energy than aerobic respiration. [4]

R6 - Respond to the following prompt on a separate sheet of paper, based on our discussion today.  Treat it like a short answer - meaning you should unpack it, repack it in written form, and give a lot of detail.

Prompt: Explain why activation energy is only required once, at the beginning of cell respiration. [4]

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