Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Antigens and Antibodies

Hi all,

Tomorrow we will be doing a classroom model of what's called the specific immune response - the way your immune system creates long term immunity to specific diseases.  For example, you may have heard that you can only get chicken pox once - you get sick once, but if you are ever exposed to the pox virus again your body has a very specific set of defenses built up to deal with that virus.  This is long-term, specific immunity - but how does it come about?  Stay tuned to find out.

Using p.638-40 in your text, you will:

1) Do flashcards for "antigen" and "antibody"
2) In your class journal, explain how antigens and antibodies interact.  A drawing might be useful to show their binding.

Additionally, you may want to preview the diagram on p.639, as this will be the focus of our model tomorrow.

Mr. Hill

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