Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nonspecific Immunity!

Hi all,

Today we did assessment statements 6.2.6 and 6.2.7 describing the elements that make up the blood; tomorrow we will be looking at your body's first round of defenses against infection, many of which are mediated through the actions of the blood and circulatory system.  Exciting!

Please read textbook pages 636-638 about nonspecific defenses, and answer the following questions in your class journal or on looseleaf:

1) What is the difference between nonspecific and specific defences?

2) Summarize what’s happening in figure 35.3 (the inflammatory response)

3) Summarize what’s happening in figure 35.4 (action of complement)

4) From the reading, list some of the nonspecific defenses your body has and briefly state how they defend you from infection.

Thanks and see you tomorrow,
Mr. Hill

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