Sunday, September 27, 2009

Classifying cells and gazing into the past

[UPDATE: Thanks to Jennifer for the pictures of our giant tape venn diagram.  The picture quality is pretty good - you can see all the parts (and use this for your reference!)  Also check out the photo of the middle of the venn diagram - that is, the "first cell" we talked about.]

On Friday, we used a giant venn diagram to describe the characteristics of three types of cells: prokaryotes, eukaryotic animal cells, and eukaryotic plant cells.  We noted that though there are many differences, cells all share a few basic features: a membrane, wrapped around some squishy stuff called cytoplasm, which has some instructions (DNA) and some machinery to carry out the instructions (ribosomes).  We can hypothesize that the first cell had these basic features.  There's been a lot of curiosity about just how this first cell could have popped into being.  Fear not!  We'll be revisiting this question as we study the nature of the cell membrane, one of the ancestral components of the cell, throughout this coming week.

We also discussed the role of lysosomes in digestion for animal cells.  Here is a very useful animation of lysosomal function: Lysosomes: The "little stomachs" of the cell

You should continue to work on your assessment statements.  I am considering moving the unit test up one day to October 8th, so don't fall asleep at the wheel with your assessment statements!  It's coming sooner than you know.

Also, both classes should prepare for a quiz on 2.2 and 2.3 on the Tuesday we return.

Enjoy your day off!
-Mr. Hill

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