Friday, September 11, 2009

Classroom resources

Today, we worked in groups to examine the "tools of the trade" are available to help them with the considerable workload to follow in IB Biology.

Homework for Monday, September 14th: Complete the online microscope pre-activities in preparation for our first use of the microscope in lab this week.  Please go go to this website, courtesy of the University of Deleware, that offers you two resources: a video introduction to the microscope, and a virtual microscope that you can manipulate and use.  This will help you sharpen your scope skills in preparation for the real thing.  Using these resources, please complete the pre-lab handed out in class.  If you lost it or were absent, the worksheet can be downloaded below.

Microscope pre-lab worksheet

Have a wonderful weekend!
-Mr. Hill


  1. Thanks Mr. Hill =) this blog is so helpful!

  2. Glad you think so! Keep suggestions coming on what else would be helpful to you.
