Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The fluid-mosaic model

Today, we modeled the structure of the molecular structure of the cell membrane and discussed how it's unique "fluid mosaic" structure allows for a diversity of functions - semipermeability, protection, cell transport, cell identification, and others.  All in all, it's one of the most functional and varied parts of the cell.

Your homework is to explore an online demo / tutorial of the cell membrane.  The tutorial is awesome and very interactive - you can click around and see how the cell membrane moves, what the components do, and how it is structured.  It is partially a review of what we talked about in class, however there's a lot of new information to, so read and explore carefully (you could easily spend a half an hour here and not exhaust this resource).

The tutorial can be found here: Cell Membrane Tutorial

Using the online tutorial as a text, you should be able to complete assessment statements 2.4.1-2.4.3 in your notebook.  Please note that the tutorial has more information and detail than you need for the assessment statements - focus in only on the information required for these assessment statements, rather than get bogged down in every petty detail.  Details are important, yes, but fortunately the IB gives you an idea of which details are important and which are not.

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