Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First lab

By this time, both classes have completed our first lab.  The task was to observe a cork cell under the microscope, draw it, and then determine how much larger the drawing was compared to the "real" cell.

All groups in all periods were successful at devising a way to measure the actual cell - and remarkably, many of you figured out different ways of doing it that were plausible.  The most common techniques I noticed were:

  1. measuring the pointer and using a ratio 
  2. measuring the image of the cell in the eyepiece and then working backwards using the magnification
  3. measuring the diameter of the field of view and estimating how many cells could fit across the diameter
Well done Class II.  Take note of how much you can accomplish without much direction from me.

For both classes, your next homework is due Thursday, 9/17.  You are to complete the four magnification questions on the handout given in class (I do not have an electronic copy - hope you didn't lose it!)  Note that these are your first taste of IB-style test questions.  Also, one of these problems could be used as a sample calculation for your assessment statement 2.1.5, regarding magnification.

Mr. Hill 

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