Saturday, October 17, 2009

Course Update! Important!

Hi all,

I've been reviewing the syllabus calendar for Unit 2 and I have some changes to make regarding the schedule.  This affects which assessment statements you have to do and when they are due, so please mark the following changes down in your student handbook in the assessment statements for Unit 2:

  1. Your unit 2 exam will be in class on Nov. 2nd.  However, we are not going to completely finish Unit 2 before this date.  As such, the Unit 2 exam will cover ONLY: 3.1 (elements and water), 3.6 (enzymes), 7.5 (proteins), and 6.1 (digestion).  We will spend an extra week on 3.2 (carbs, lipids, proteins) in term 2, but you are not responsible for this material for the exam OR for the interim assessment.
  2. Because the unit 2 exam and interim assessment are quite close to one another, I will not be collecting your assessment statements until the day of the interim assessment.  Please plan on handing them in again on Nov. 9th before your interim.
  3. Please cross out the box for 7.6 (Enzymes AHL).  We will not be doing this material until next year.
Mr. Hill


  1. Hey Mr.Hill, I(gen)found this Bio Website, I think its from a university, it seems helpful. Here's the link:
