Friday, October 23, 2009

Dee Bee Cue

Today we took a practice data based question, or DBQ.  These are by far the toughest IB questions!  But you all did quite well.  We came up with the following strategies for attacking a DBQ:
  • Read the paragraph; circle the most important information.  
  • Draw the situation to show what's going on if you're a visual person.
  • The graph: check the key, label on each axis, title, and units.
  • Read the graph with a ruler - and be precise.
  • Draw on your knowledge from math to predict and calculate - you have the tools in your head.
Thanks to Genesis, Shaq, and Brian for recording that.

For homework
Complete the take-home DBQ, which will be put in as a 6 points quiz grade.  If you need the DBQ, you can download it here:

Take Home Enzyme DBQ (6 points) 

To complete it successfully, you will need to teach yourself about competitive inhibition.  Look it up in your text, google, or use this web animation:

Incidentally, you can also introduce inhibitors using the enzyme simulation we used in class (I posted this  two days ago for the curious.)

Mr. Hill

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