Monday, October 26, 2009

Unit 2 Exam is one week from today

Today, R6 demonstrated the properties of water and R4 learned a little bit more about Microsoft Excel to help them rewrite their lab reports.  Tomorrow, I will be posting a big post about water with some helpful review material.

Note that today is one week until your unit 2 exam, and two weeks until your first interim assessment.  The time to review is now!  I'm posting an outline of the rest of the week, with relevant assessment statements for each day.

Monday / Tuesday - Properties of Water Demos and Discussion (3.1.4-3.1.6)
Wednesday - Whole Class Modeling of Polypeptide Structure (3.2.5)
Thursday - Lecture on Protein Folding (7.1)
Friday - Organic and Inorganic Stuff Share Out / Exam Review (3.2.1 and 3.1.1-3.1.3)

Next Monday - Unit 2 Exam
Next Wednesday - Unit 2 Exam Review and Interim Assessment Review

R4 - Please revise your Lab #1 to turn in tomorrow.  You must hand this in when you walk in tomorrow.

R6 - Continue to work on assessment statements, due the day of the Interim Assessment.

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