Thursday, October 29, 2009

Protein Folding

Hi all,

Today we looked at protein folding using three examples (silk / hair, amylase, and hemoglobin).  We saw how proteins assume complex shapes based on the properties of their amino acids, particularly their R-groups.  I'm posting the lecture notes below, but I would also recommend you take a look at a few animations.  Folding is a dynamic process, so it helps to look at a video:

Video resources
Protein Folding Interactive Tutorial
Short Protein Folding Animation

Here are the lecture notes: Protein Folding Lecture Notes

DCP write-up for Lab #2 (enzyme catalase and temperature) is due Friday.  Please check the blog post for your data if you haven't already.  If you need to find it, click the "labs" link on the right hand side under Buckets, and then find the post with your data.

Best of luck!
Mr. Hill

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